Create a density scatter / pseudocolor plot.
Create a density scatter plot, also known as a pseudocolor plot, of two markers from a Seurat object. The points in the scatter plot are colored by the point density, determined by 2D kernel density estimation. Optionally, the plot can be faceted by one or two variables and a gate can be plotted.
facet_vars = NULL,
plot_gate = NULL,
scale_density = TRUE,
margin_density = FALSE,
coord_fixed = TRUE,
pt_size = 1,
alpha = 1,
layer = NULL,
grid_n = 500,
colors = NULL,
- object
A Seurat object.
- marker1
Marker to plot along the x-axis.
- marker2
Marker to plot along the y-axis.
- facet_vars
Variables to facet the plot by. If NULL, no faceting is done. If a character vector with 1 element, the plot is faceted by rows. If a character vector with 2 elements, the plot is faceted by rows and columns.
- plot_gate
A data.frame with columns 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax' to plot a gate. This data.frame can also contain the variables in 'facet_vars' to plot different gates in different facets.
- scale_density
Scale the density to the maximum density per facet.
- margin_density
Add marginal density plots. Only supported when 'facet_vars' is NULL.
- coord_fixed
Fix the aspect ratio of the plot. Only supported when 'margin_density' is FALSE.
- pt_size
Size of the points.
- alpha
Transparency of the points.
- layer
Name of layer to plot. If NULL, the default layer is used.
- grid_n
Number of grid points to calculate the density.
- colors
Colors to use for the density plot. If NULL, the 'viridis' "turbo" palette is used.
- ...
Additional arguments to pass to 'MASS::kde2d'.
# A mock-up Seurat Object
object <-
CreateSeuratObject(counts = matrix(
rpois(100000, 40),
rpois(100000, 5)
)[sample(1:200000, 200000)],
nrow = 100, ncol = 2000,
dimnames = list(
paste0("Feature", 1:100),
paste0("Cell", 1:2000)
#> Warning: Data is of class matrix. Coercing to dgCMatrix.
object <-
metadata = data.frame(
sample = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 1000),
sample_type = rep(c("Unstimulated", "Stimulated"),
each = 500, times = 2
row.names = paste0("Cell", 1:2000)
plot_gate <-
xmin = c(20, 20),
xmax = c(70, 70),
ymin = c(20, 20),
ymax = c(60, 60),
sample = c("A", "B")
marker1 = "Feature1",
marker2 = "Feature2",
facet_vars = "sample",
plot_gate = plot_gate,
layer = "counts"